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The professional and technical degree test, commonly known as the “专升本” (zhuān shēng běn), is a highly competitive exam for those seeking to obtain a bachelor's degree in China. One of the subjects tested in the exam is English. Many test-takers find the English section challenging due to its comprehensive nature. In this article, we will discuss some essential tips and tricks to help you tackle the English section of the professional and technical degree test.

Prepare Well

Proper preparation is key to tackling the professional and technical degree test's English section. Before the exam day, ensure that you review all the relevant grammar rules and vocabulary words. Also, practice as many English comprehension exercises as possible until you feel confident in your skills.

Time Management

During the English section of the test, time management is critical. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, which are often time-consuming. Each section is timed, and you must ensure that you allocate your time efficiently. Devote equal portions of time to each section and allocate the remaining time to review your answers.

Read and Understand the Questions

To excel in the English section of the professional and technical degree test, you must read and understand the questions' content carefully. Many questions come with a passage or a graphic that you must analyze before answering the question. It is essential to understand the context of the question to provide a correct answer.

Answer the Easiest Questions First

The English section of the professional and technical degree test consists of questions of varying degrees of difficulty. To save time, you should answer the easy questions first. This strategy saves time and permits you to focus on the more demanding questions later.

Eliminate Wrong Answers

In the English section of the professional and technical degree test, some answer options are obviously incorrect. Use the process of elimination to eliminate impossible options and increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.

Practice English Daily

Another vital tip to excel in the English section of the professional and technical degree test is to practice and improve your English proficiency daily. The more you practice, the more familiar you become with the language's nuances, and the more confident you become.


Taking the professional and technical degree test is a big step in securing a bachelor's degree in China. The English section is a vital part of the test, and the tips discussed above will help you succeed. Remember, good preparation, proper time management, reading and understanding the questions' content, and regular practice are crucial to success. With these tips, you can excel in the English section of the professional and technical degree test.



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