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Applying for a doctoral degree in France can be an exciting and challenging process for students who are interested in pursuing an academic career. However, in order to have a successful application, there are a few key steps that need to be addressed. This article aims to provide some tips and guidance for students who are considering applying for a doctoral program in France, specifically on how to craft an effective email to potential supervisors.


Research is critical when it comes to applying for a doctoral degree in France. Students should start by researching potential supervisors and their research interests. It is essential to find a supervisor whose research aligns with the candidate's interests, goals, and previous research experience. Students should prepare a list of potential supervisors, their contact information, and their research with a brief explanation of why they are interested in working with each of them.

Structure of the Email

The structure of the email is essential. The email should get straight to the point, be concise, and avoid any unnecessary fluff. It should be structured in a clear and logical way, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should introduce the candidate and explain why they are interested in the supervisor's research. The body should include information on the candidate's research experience, interests, and skills. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the candidate's interests and ask if the supervisor would be willing to discuss the possibility of becoming their supervisor in person.


The language used in the email should be professional but still personal. Candidates should avoid using overly formal language and try to convey their personality, passions, and enthusiasm throughout the email. It would help if you kept in mind that supervisors are looking for students who are passionate about their research, have the necessary skills, and are enthusiastic about working with them.

Customize the Email

The email should be customized to the supervisor's research interests and teaching style, and not just a generic email that is being sent to multiple supervisors. Customization will show the supervisor that the candidate is genuinely interested in working with them, and have done their research carefully.


In conclusion, applying for a doctoral degree in France can be a long and arduous process. Still, following the tips outlined above and crafting an effective email to potential supervisors can be a crucial first step towards achieving that goal. Remember, research is key, the structure of the email is critical, the language used should be professional yet personal, and the email should be customized to the supervisor's research interests and teaching style. Good luck with your application and your future academic career!



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