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As a postdoctoral researcher, getting access to research funding is absolutely essential to continue research work. It is therefore essential to familiarize oneself with the different funding programs and opportunities available. One such funding program is the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme. In this article, we will discuss the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme and how to prepare an application for this scheme.

About the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme

The Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme is a program that provides financial support to young researchers who have recently completed their Ph.D. degree. The scheme is designed to provide funding that can be used to support research, training, and conference activities. The funding offered by the scheme is meant to cover the salary of postdoctoral researchers, research expenses, travel expenses, and other costs associated with research activities.

Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme, it is important to check that you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria for the scheme are as follows:

  • Applicants must have obtained their Ph.D. within the last 3 years from the date of application
  • Applicants should have a research background in a relevant field
  • Applicants should have a strong academic track record with a demonstrated ability to conduct research independently
  • The applicant must be able to secure a host institute that is located in Guangzhou

How to Apply

Before applying for the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme, it is important to prepare a well-written research proposal that outlines the research project you intend to undertake. The research proposal should be clear, concise, and well-organized, and should cover the following:

  • The background knowledge of the research area
  • The research questions and objectives
  • The methodology to be employed
  • The expected outcomes and significance of the proposed research

Once the research proposal is ready, the next step is to approach potential host institutions and secure a host institute in Guangzhou. It is important to discuss the proposed research project with the host institute and gain their support before submitting the application.

The application itself involves filling out an application form that is available on the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme webpage. The application form should be accompanied by the research proposal, a CV, a list of publications, and other supporting documents that demonstrate the applicant's research potential.

Evaluation Process

Applications submitted to the Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme go through a rigorous evaluation process that involves two rounds of review. The first round of review involves an initial screening of the application to ensure that all the necessary information and supporting documents have been included. The second round of review involves a detailed evaluation of the research proposal and the applicant's research potential. The final decision is made based on the overall merit of the research proposal, the applicant's qualifications, and the research potential of the host institute.


The Guangzhou Postdoctoral Funding Scheme is an excellent opportunity for young researchers to secure funding that can be used to support their research activities. The scheme provides financial support that can be used to cover research, training, and conference expenses, and is designed to support young researchers in their pursuit of academic excellence. Preparing a well-written research proposal and securing a host institute in Guangzhou are the key steps towards securing funding from this program.



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