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The Royal College of Art (RCA) is a world-renowned institution that offers students the opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies in various fields including fine arts, design, and communication. At the RCA, students are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of their chosen subjects and to push the boundaries of their creativity. One way to continue this pursuit of excellence is to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA. In this article, we will explore how to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA.

What is a postdoctoral fellowship?

A postdoctoral fellowship is an opportunity for scholars who have recently completed their PhD studies to further their research in a specific field. Postdoctoral fellows work under the mentorship of a professor, and they have access to the resources and facilities of the institution. Postdoctoral fellowships are an excellent way for scholars to gain valuable experience and to launch their careers in academia or other related fields.

Why apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA?

Applying for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA provides several benefits. First, the RCA is one of the top institutions in the world for the arts, and working with its faculty and staff can help to advance a researcher's career. Second, the RCA offers state-of-the-art facilities and resources that can enhance research, including access to special collections, archives, and libraries. Third, postdoctoral fellows receive a stipend that allows them to focus on their research, without worrying about financial issues.

How to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA?

The application process for postdoctoral fellowships at the RCA is rigorous, and applicants should expect to spend considerable time and effort on their applications. The first step is to research available opportunities online or through other channels. Once you have identified a fellowship that suits your interests, you should start working on your application package. The application package usually includes a cover letter, a research proposal, a CV, and letters of recommendation. It is crucial to ensure that your application package is polished and professional as this will be a predictor of your competence and professionalism.


In conclusion, applying for a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA is an excellent opportunity for scholars to advance their careers in the arts. Postdoctoral fellowships at the RCA provide scholars with access to a world-class institution, state-of-the-art resources and working alongside the best faculty in the world. The application process requires a lot of time and effort, but the benefits outweigh the demands. With this guide, you can start your journey towards securing a postdoctoral fellowship at the RCA.



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