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Malaysia has been a popular destination for international students, and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) is one of the reputed universities in the country. Especially, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Business Administration at UTAR is an attractive option for many students around the globe. However, as with other academic courses, the mode of teaching and learning for the program varies between different universities, and this article offers an insight into the teaching methods at UTAR.

The Teaching Methods

The Ph.D. in Business Administration program at UTAR follows a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning, primarily emphasizing on the following methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Case Studies and Presentations
  • Research

These methods are intended to provide students with a multi-dimensional view of research methods, theories, and applications in the field.


The lecture method is the most commonly used teaching method for the Ph.D. program at UTAR. Lectures are conducted in a classroom setting where students are required to attend and listen to the instructor, who presents the course material. These lectures act as a guide for students to understand and learn concepts in Business Administration.


Seminars are meetings where students participate in discussions on a specific research topic assigned by the instructor. Students are required to exchange ideas, thoughts and pursue further research to deepen their understanding of the topic. A seminar is an interactive platform for students to share their ideas and obtain feedback from their peers and the instructor.

Case Studies and Presentations

Case studies and presentations play a vital role in the Ph.D. program at UTAR. The case study approach is a useful tool for students to learn about research methodology and real-world applications. Students are encouraged to present their findings and concepts to their peers and instructors. The presentation method provides an opportunity for students to communicate and articulate their ideas successfully.


Research is an integral part of the Ph.D. program in Business Administration at UTAR. Students are required to conduct independent research in their field of study. UTAR has excellent research facilities and resources that enable students to conduct research with the support of experienced researchers and faculty members. By conducting research and presenting their findings, students are encouraged to contribute to the overall body of knowledge in the field of Business Administration.


In conclusion, the Ph.D. in Business Administration program at UTAR adopts a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning that includes lectures, seminars, case studies and presentations, and research. These methods are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of research methods, theories, and applications in the field of Business Administration. With the support of experienced faculty members and researchers, UTAR provides an excellent platform for students to develop their research skills and contribute to the field of Business Administration.



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