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Understanding the IELTS Scoring System


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the most widely recognized English language proficiency test in the world. It is used for immigration, education, and professional purposes in many countries around the world. The test is designed to measure four key language skills – listening, reading, writing, and speaking – and is scored on a nine-band scale. Understanding the IELTS scoring system is essential for test-takers who want to achieve their desired scores.

The IELTS Nine-Band Scale

The IELTS nine-band scale ranges from 1 (Non-User) to 9 (Expert User). Each band score corresponds to a level of the test-taker’s English language proficiency. A band score of 1 indicates that the test-taker has no ability to use the English language, while a score of 9 indicates an expert level of proficiency.

The nine-band scale is broken down into four categories: 1) Non-User, 2) Intermittent User, 3) Operational User, and 4) Expert User. The categories are further broken down into bands, as follows:

  • Non-User: Band Score 1
  • Intermittent User: Band Score 2-3
  • Operational User: Band Score 4-5
  • Expert User: Band Score 6-9

Test Scores and Their Meanings

The IELTS test assesses test-takers’ ability to communicate effectively in English. Each section of the test – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – receives a band score ranging from 0 to 9. These scores are then averaged to calculate the overall band score. For example, if a test-taker scores 7.5 in Listening, 7.0 in Reading, 6.5 in Writing, and 7.5 in Speaking, their overall score would be 7.0.

The following table shows the different Scores and their Meanings:

Score Meaning
9.0 Expert User
8.0 Very Good User
7.0 Good User
6.0 Competent User
5.0 Modest User
4.0 Limited User
3.0 Extremely Limited User
2.0 Intermittent User
1.0 Non-User

How are the Scores Determined?

The IELTS test is scored by a human examiner and sometimes by a computer-assisted system. The speaking and writing tests are marked by trained and qualified examiners who use a detailed scoring system to assess the test-taker’s performance. The listening and reading tests are scored by computer-assisted systems that automatically calculate the band scores based on the final number of correct answers.

The examiners and computer-assisted systems use the marking criteria set by the IELTS Test Partners to evaluate test-takers’ performance. These criteria vary depending on the skills being tested. For example, the writing section criteria include coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and task achievement. The speaking section criteria include fluency and coherence, lexical resource, pronunciation, and grammatical range and accuracy.

It is important for test-takers to familiarize themselves with the scoring system and testing criteria to help them understand what is expected of them and how to prepare for the test.


The IELTS nine-band scale is the most widely recognized English language proficiency test in the world. Understanding the scoring system and how scores are determined is essential for test-takers who want to achieve their desired scores. By familiarizing themselves with the testing criteria and the skills being tested, test-takers can improve their chances of getting the scores they want.



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